Dfind 1.3.2
Changes and bug fixes
- Arrange imported files from Omni according to measurement channel number.
- Error opening Opening QSoft Omni datafile with empty measurement tables, fixed.
Dfind 1.3.1
New features
- Improved DfInd notes popup structure
- Update JRE shipped with Dfind
Changes and bug fixes
- Dfind can't open stitch data from Omni, fixed.
- Broken Omni file import functionality in Dfind, fixed.
- Improve preferences dialog naming, fixed
- For period names import, use sample name, not sample port name, fixed
- Import the Event log from Omni files.
- Dfind doesn't detect last period from Omni file, fixed
- Fixed MeasurementLoader.symmetrizeAndClean
Dfind 1.3.0
New features
- Support for QSense Omni datafiles
Changes and bug fixes
- Smarfit behaved badly when there were ignore periods in middle of measurement, fixed.
- Plot preview was initially empty in some scenarios, fixed.
Dfind 1.2.8
New features
- Pressure data from qsoft files are available if were recorded.
- Added X-AY formula to calculate a pressure compensated frequency.
- Pressure compensated frequency macro added.
- Add ability to create user specific database.
- Added possibility to open stitched files.
Changes and bug fixes
- Fixed inputs related to removed method do not clear if the removed method is the only one in list.
- Fixed DFind projects become crappy and useless if opened after some project was opened with double click.
- Made methods dependent on inputs that are not available in measurement hidden.
- Made labels on plot represent only appropriate data in the measurement.
- Made all available inputs (not intersection) visible on Create new Method/Plots view after measurement multiselect.
- Fixed DFind crash after importing data.
- Fixed model solutions were changed after reopening.
- Fixed licensing issues.
Dfind 1.2.7
New features
- Way of constraining x values used in fit methods used on Time data was changed to data range (which is used in the Data Range analysis method). It was done for Linear-Fit, Exponential fit, Biexponential fit, Max slope and Rise time where X -input is Time.
- Exporting format was changed. Now value and appropriate error goes into separate columns
- Add preference to turn on/off tips
- Add option of straddling period borders on Preferences panel.
Changes and bug fixes
- Fix several bugs with Y1 and Y2 multi plots
- Bug with non-updating of settings in configure measurement for analysis and modelling window fixed
- Several bugs related to method Configuration panel were fixed
- Several bugs related to Wet zero cursor were fixed
- Fix some bugs with Fixed start and Delayed exponential fits. Previously they both failed on model layer thickness
- Cancel button did not work on "Choose how period borders should be detected". Fixed.
- Delete long-hidden measurements popup was removed
- Bug with duplicates in "Known measurements" was fixed
- Quickstart command: Ctrl+Shift+Q was removed
- Miscellaneous
Dfind 1.2.6
Changes and bug fixes
- Several bugs related to incrorrect showing of multiplots (plots with several Y ,Y1, Y1 and Y2 as outputs) were fixed
- "1 steps backwards" error when using Condense function was fixed
- Cosmetic UI changes related to displaying of frequency factors
- Bug with non-making of Equation method with One input parameter on time level was fixed
- Filter unitless results from Properties lists
- Simple/Extended method selection was removed
- Bug with plots clearing due zooming on top and bottom of plots was fixed
- Bug with disabling of online activation radio button was fixed
Dfind 1.2.5
New features
- Support for new .qsod file format
Fixed bugs
- Bug with sporadic cut of the ends of the measurements was fixed. Several bugs related to condensation function were fixed. Condensation algorithm was slightly changed.
- Bug with offline activation due network adapters fixed
- Couple bugs related to reports were fixed
- Replace error message on activation window on meaningful warning. Make "Generate Activation" default option for offline activation
- Data range analysis method filtered from list of available methods if X-input is not Time
Dfind 1.2.4
New features
Fixed bugs
- Several bugs related to Precluster method configuration panel were fixed
- Couple of bugs related to offline activation were fixed
Dfind 1.2.3
New features
- Improve creation methods/plots logic. Time level tab: using Extended view plotting wizard it is possible to create much more plots than is was before. X-axis parameter could be choosen freely, multiplots with several Y1 and Y2-axes parameters are available. Period and Measurement tabs: now is possibile to create multicolumn plots (with several input parameters per period or measurement).
- Plot of Sauerbrey mass against time is available now.
- Add link to page with instructions how to fix network adapter problem
Fixed bugs
- Failing of offline activated licenses fixed
- Several bugs related to swap input in formulas were fixed
- Fixed bugs with plot preview and harmonics selection on Layer tab
- Many bugs related to wrong plotting were fixed.
Dfind 1.2.2
New features
Fixed bugs
- Fix bug with offline activated licenses.
- Bugs with wrong plotting of shear elastic modulus and shear loss modulus frequency factors were fixed.
- Couple of bugs related to data loading were fixed.
- Wrong associations of Dfind with .qsd and .qsod files were fixed for new installations.
Dfind 1.2.1
New features
- Condense function that compresses large measurements added. Condensation works by making a stepwise average of Total count / New count time steps (rounded to an integer. This is a type of data smoothing)
Fixed bugs
- In some projects some of the harmonics were drawn with several horizontal lines that should not be there. Fix it.
- Dfind didn't start if DB path was defined in .ini file is invalid. Fix it.
- Fix bug with infinities in standard uncertainties in linear fits
- Show build number in About box
Dfind 1.2.0
New features
- The old period types had the dual function of bookkeeping events in your measurement; and also to tell Dfind models whether periods should be fitted, work as reference or be ignored. Now period definitions are used only for modelling information. All bookkeeping moved to the Tags property.
- Tags devided on two groups: local and global. Global tags are the tags that are visible between projects. It is very useful to have the same tags (for example like "wash") in all projects. The maximum number of global tags is 10. These two types of tags could be modified via Edit tags window.
- License agreement is available now from License Information window and also could be find in installation directory.
- Cursor could be moved directly or by making period reference via Configure measurment window. Now only one period could be referenced. Period in which cursor is placed becomes referenced.
- Adjacent periods that have the same names now could be merged by two ways: 1) Automatically, when opening a new measurement (qsd/qsod file). Appropriate oprion on Preference panel should be active for it. 2) Via option in right-click context menu that appeares on Measurement panel.
- Second Smartfit best fit is displayed now.
- Multiparameter plot preview is available now.
- Version numbers are included in installer names.
- Rise range type "0-50" in the drop-down menu of the Rise Time analysis method configuration is available now.
Fixed bugs
- Error when typed F1 while holding the mouse over the dropdown menu "Default Weights" in the Layers panel fixed.
- Error with opening experiment with name longer then 90 letters fixed.
- Registered trademark notice added to in “about section”.
- Fixed different bugs with opening qsod files.
- Bug with broken X value constraints for Time methods for h:m:s plots fixed
- Bug with plots clearing after deletion of Sauerbrey and Composite Sauerbrey models fixed
- Bug with clearing plots clears after deletion of Sauerbrey and Composite Sauerbrey models fixed.
- Now project opens automatically after import
- Different bugs with methods/plots creation were fixed
- Use 3-digit version number everywhere
- Miscellaneous.
Dfind 1.1.2672.53037
- Periods closer than 30 s were not accepted
- E-mail "xxx.xxx@xx-xx.xx" address was not accepted in activation dialog
Dfind 1.1.2657.53030
Fixed bugs
- Couldn't import .qsd file
- Updated modelling dialogue
- Fixed X-axes re-scaling when adding period borders at the start, end of measurement. When placing border to close to other border, measurement start or measurement end, Dfind corrects it and place the border as close as possible to the border or measurement start, measurement end. Disabled pop-up menu period border options when borders are locked.
- Method configuration panel drop down arrow fixed to work for Linear fit methods
Dfind 1.1.2622.52992
New features
- User is warned explicitly if he/she has used ActivationRequest.xml instead of ActivationResponse.xml while trying to activate Dfind offline
Fixed bugs
- Dfind sometimes refused to install on machines with exactly 4 GB of memory even though 4 GB should be sufficient.
- Reference cursor baseline offsets calculation logic was improved.
- License dialog state is cached now. Also warning messages were shortened.
Dfind 1.1.2591.52965
Fixed bugs
- Dfind bottom legend box sometimes was not complete. Now it contains all the entries.
- Failure on attempt to configure a measurement due to a database constraint was fixed.
- dfindsupport@biolinscientific.com email was substituted with support_qsa@biolinscientific.com everywhere
- Verification of user emails with complex domains was fixed.
Dfind 1.1.2548.52943
New features
- Automatic error reporting directly to Biolin (no more need to manually send error .zips by email)
- States (open/closed) of "Layers", "Time", "Period" and "Measurement" Configuration panels are project-specific permanent settings
- Delayed start exponent fit method was added
Fixed bugs
- "Select Method" table now contains short method descriptions and tooltips on mouse hover contain more detailes
- Exceptions on attempt to draw a plot were fixed
- Transfer Configuration dialog is opened now on any measurement setting change. It pushes recalculations if changes were transferred to similar measurements.
- Smartfit didn't pick up layer material constraints. Now it is.
- Method descriptions at "Select Method" panel were made shorter to be fully visible in a table cells. Corresponding tooltips were made more descriptive.
- "Liquid editor" panel UI was changed.
- "?" prefix in units is now substituted with Unity prefix.
- Exception on measurement load was fixed.
- Method configuration panel Order dropbox now has only one "Last" option
- Misc
Dfind 1.1.2385.52832
New features
- Support for reading latest QSoftPro (qsod) file format.
- Period analysis role type was modified: now user can assign "Baseline (bare)" role to any period of his/her measurement. Number of layers will be zeroed in this case.
Fixed bugs
- Couldn't open .qsod file, fixed.
- Column plot legend was wrong. Fixed.
- Some XY multiplots were not displayed at Report section. Fixed. All report plot headers have smaller font, their naming pattern was unified
- User warning dialogues included "Send Report" option and looked like errors. Now they are just warnings.
- Scrollbar was added to a drop down list at "Result formatting" dialog and "POI" method configuration dialog.
- Error appeared after creating bug report. Now it is not.
- Liquid configuration option was removed from "Liquid editor" panel.
- Precluster modeling method was disabled for unconfigured measurements.
- Baseline reference cursor autoreplacement from "Baseline (precoated)" to the end of the measurement was disabled.
- Text field validators are not executed now on "Cancel" button click.
- Report section UI was improved.
- Project could, in some rare scenarios, become unopenable with "Project is locked by SW instance ID=xx" error. Now the project lock is cleaned up in 15 seconds after Dfind startup. That will also fix any existing "unopenable" projects.
- Measurement data is updated dynamically now on period removal now.
- PeriodShiftTransformation method was improved to handle Failed data correctly.
- Bug report dialog wraps the text now.
- LinearFit plot appearance was wrong on tab change after user has visited Table. Fixed.
- X and Y axis names of XY multiplots now care type names instead of multiple result names.
- User is warned each time there are too few ingoing parameters for modelling.
- Calculation InterruptedException appeared in the application console too often. Now it doesn't.
- UnknownHostException was thrown on some complex user emails. Now it doesn't.
- LinearFit hanged up the application. Now it doesn't.
- Error messages in a number of places were substituted with warning messages.
- XY plots legend and axis naming were improved.
- Range methods configuration panel behavior was improved.
- Sauerbrey fit calculates thickness for Baseline (precoated) layer analysis role now.
- Preference window appearance was improved on low resolution screens.
- "My" was substituted with "Mu" in a number of places throughout the application and documentation.
- Illegal user actions lead to warning messages now, not error messages as previously.
- Some dialog scroll panels didn't contain a scrollbar. Now they are.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
Dfind 1.1(.2172.52665)
New features
- Method prefix is constant now.
- Selected measurement now remembers its plot colors. Each result has its own unique color.
- "Show trashcan" button was moved to the right hand side. Name of the button was changed to "Show deleted projects" / "Hide deleted projects" (depending on state).
- Plot scaling was not implemented for a right (dissipation axis) and a second right Y axis. Now it is implemented.
- Standard 1-parameter column method for Period level was created
- Default time units are taken from "Preferences" panel only once, during first layer model init. All subsequent plot(s) updates take prefix from the last user setting (right mouse click menu changes etc)
- "Configure measurement..." panel uses time units (seconds or hh/mm/ss) that were last seen at any plot at any level
- Each plot at 4-plot Smartfit / Broadfit composite view remembers its time units
- The "Create plot" method could create both X-Y plots of parameters or bar diagrams, dependent on Analysis level and parameter selection. Those two varieties were split into separate methods: "Create XY Plot" and "Column Plot" respectively. Emergence of the methods depends on analysis level:
- "Time" has only "Create XY Plot" available
- "Period" - both types are available (depends on selected results)
- "Measurement" - both types are available (depends on selected results)
Fixed bugs
- A dropdown is shown on a Level Table menu icon click. The icon is located at the top right corner of the panel. There are two options now:
- "Export table..." - leads to "Export table dialog".
- "Result formatting" leads to a result formatting dialog which contains all results which were used in a current Level Table in the form of a drop down box. User is able to format the result (i.e. set unit prefix, change representation, power, number of displayed digitsetc. ) after he/she selected it.
Previously a warning Information dialog was displayed on the icon click as a result of exporting currently selected entry. It was a mistake.
- All description text is visible in "Delete long-hidden measurements" dialog now. Previously user has to scroll horizontally to read the description.
- MultiPlot view went blank after reopening. Now it is fixed.
- Linear fit method: X constraints didn't work, now they do
- Sorting (by name and by type) at method data view didn't work. Now it does.
- Quick-shift dialog was not shown in a new projects. Fixed.
- "Goto method" button was made disabled when the result has no method to go to.
- X-axis was rescaled erratically when zooming inside Y axis only. Y-axis was rescaled erratically when zooming inside X axis only. Fixed.
- Each harmonic now has its own constant plot symbol.
- POI method result name was changed from "001" to "Shift"
- Sauerbrey and Composite Sauerbrey method didn't show anything when all period roles of the measurement is set to "Baseline (bare)". Now thickness and mass plots shows line at zero.
- A warning message was added saying that Reference zeroing bar can only reside in Baseline bare periods and the period border should snap back to the original position. It appears when a period border is placed inside baseline reference cursor area.
- Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when Max Slope method works on small datasets
- Fixed wrong axis labels
- Fixed excessive unit prefixes at X axis
- Reestablished connection between values inside Level Table and unit prefix set by method or using "Result formatting" label
- Improved Linear Fit plot equation: now instead of just "B" part of a line equation "y = A + Bx" (full line equation is displayed)
- A and B values were untied from results correction factors (A and B are constants now)
- Fixed NaN labels at Max Slope plot, they are untied from correction factors now (constants now)
- It is possible to add plots from "Layer" level to a Report. This functionality was notimplemented earlier. The list of plot views:
- Sauerbrey
- Composite Sauerbrey
- Broadfit
- Smartfit
- Comparing Layer Models
- Pre Cluster
- Modeling plots were not updated on a measurement selection change event. Fixed.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.